Back to work
Am I depressed? Have I been depressed? I'm sure. I have been working a lot, getting up early to teach and then coming to the BBJ to run the "Intelligence Service". I've enjoyed teaching English to corporate executives. Getting up early has been a bit tough, but hardly impossible. I was doing the same thing when I was writing for the Budapest Times and I wasn't depressed, at least not the way I am here.
I was hired by Darko, the former BBJ business manager who has since left the company. His departure has left me feeling very much alone here. The woman I hired to help me is wonderful is all sorts of ways and she does what I ask quite compentantly and without complaint. I could bemoan my fate for hours, but how could I make things better?
I have to at least do the things I said I would do, if for no other reason than that. I said that my unit would build "" - a guide to business opportunities in Hungary. We have a strong directory of links now finished that can go on the front page. What we need now is a basic design and listings service and editor. So I'll make that a priority. Peter Sik, an MBA student who has been helping out a bit, designed a cool new logo for the Intelligence Service. So I'll post that once we have it in hi resolution.
I just had a good meeting with an artist and ad guy about the Budapest Exchange of Contemporary Art. This is a concept whereby investor money could be drawn into the market for contemporaty art.