Merkava Leaves Its Mark On Earth
There came into orbit a craft from some distance out in Space
Called the Merkava
It was manned by a team: Mich-u-El, Dan-u-El, Gabor-u-El, Ur-u-El, Raph-u-El, Sam-u-El and El-dar.
It also held a tremendously powerful computer used for navigation and overall guidance.
The Computer was called A-do-noy.
The men’s origin is tied in with a place or entity called El.
It has been surmised by some that El is an abbreviation – E.L.
EL could be short for “Electric Lighting” or some such descriptor.
Communication with E.L. Adonoy was something special.
The men had to enter a chamber
Behind a “veil”
And there received guidance.
(Something similar can be seen in the film “Alien”.)
For reasons not fully known
Only Eldar was able to “enter” EL Adonoy completely.
It is thought that their compatibility went way back.
And that the others on board were not from the same place
But had encountered the Merkava at some time after its launch
Perhaps they were lost
Or perhaps they came to its rescue
Perhaps there was only Eldar on board at that time.
The men, guided by the E.L. Adonoy, beamed down to the surface.
There they established a colony called EL Den.
Eldar lived there full-time, while the others commuted between it and the Merkava.
It appears it was modeled on the conditions of Eldar’s home.
The others, each – unlike Eldar - was ranked as an An-g-El.
This has been translated as representative or employee of EL.
On Earth, Eldar suffered from loneliness.
Under instructions from EL Adonoy
Cells were extracted from the marrow of Eldar’s rib
To produce “Ev-EL”, a woman
She was gestated in a pool of warm water.
Ev was instructed by EL Adonoy
As was Eldar.
They had sons
Who squabbled
The tribe of Abel
Is but a Fable
Caine killed all his lineage
Really quite a sineage
To lose your righteous brother
We are all Cain-en-ites, no other.
Throughout the course of time
Contact with El was largely lost
The ability to communicate with it
Seems to have been lost
Or perhaps it ceased to function
Jesus is said by some
To have been sent by El Adonoy
To bring the Earthlings back
Under the guidance of El Adonoy
Others say El Adonoy
Came to be know as El A
Or Al-lah
And Samuel as Satan
After a dispute
Eldar came to be remembered
As Adam
And Ev El
As Eve.