
Thursday, February 08, 2007

Another week, another seven days. Journalism course appears to be going well. Only one student has dropped so far and participation is strong. Next week we embark on launching our "news blog," where the class will somehow transform into a news gathering organization with me as editor-in-chief. It could be great, it could be OK. But it will be something.

I got a new assignment from a private client to investigate in Romania. It comes at a welcome time. So 5 clients I've got: Equilor, Mediacom, BBJ, McDaniel, and the private one. Some pay better than others. The general equation: less work = more money. The jobs that pay the least require the most work. But there are rewards other than money. Such as credibility and satisfaction. Connections, free lunches.

Went to a free lunch Tuesday with the publisher of the BPTimes/Zeitung and a leading Italian businessman. It was a wonder to watch the businessman eat. Such graceful table manners. The way he held each forkful upright and so precisely put it into his mouth and extracted it with parted lips and clenched teeth. He had it all down. The conversation was in German. His accent and diction were far more pleasing to the ear than the German's. And he's such a swell guy! I didn't much care for the food.