It's been weeks since I posted last and a few things have happened. I have had to come to terms with a digestive condition that won't go away. It's all about stomach acid fumes backing up into my esophagus and irritating it. My solution has been a combination of medication and diet, with perhaps some new Yoga. I've been making a move to raw food. But stress, depression is what brought this whole thing on. Just read my earlier entries and you'll probably get a sense. So I'm living differently now. I've scaled back my workload, cutting out (for now) the early morning teaching. I've started to write articles for the Budapest Business Journal and am working on a project for an Italian businessman, one of the guys involved in the purchase of the BBJ, now divorced from the paper. I'm not gonna get worked up about things, not money or anything else. I went to the baths on Wednesday and will go again tomorrow. I went to a raw food nutritionist last week with good results and will spend the weekend there with Lucia and Eldar. I'll go there for a week in a few weeks time. Maybe life sucks, but I won't let it get to me.